Wednesday, August 23, 2006

100 things I wanna do before I die...

-insipired from a serial that I watch several nights ago.. entah apa nama serialnya mwahaha-

001. Ngelengkapin koleksi Agatha Christie
002. Ngelengkapin koleksi Astrid Lindgren
003. Ngelengkapin koleksi Trio detektif
-ini agak repot sepertinya-
004. Made my own library in my own house
005. Living alone
006. Kerja
007. Kerja dengan gaji menyenangkan
-karena lom tentu tar gue kerja dengan gaji menyenangkan wakakaka-
008. Get married with someone I respect and love
009. Have a twin boy -permintaan yg gambling abis-
010. Called my daughter as Airis Saturna
011. Called my twin boy as Miklaschezenovkij and Miklavitch
-mwahahaha.. tertawa ngakak membayangkan orang yg ngebaca nama ini-
012. Makes my parents happy
013. Jadian sama Takeshi Kaneshiro -HAAAAHH???-
014. Going abroad
015. Pergi ke pedesaan di Eropa
016. Back to Italia
017. Back to Switzerland
018. Back to Japan
019. Went on a romantic cruise
020. Naek haji
021. Buy those bedtime story book for my future kids
022. Stay on my own house
023. Menyingkirkan setiap nyamuk dari sisi ku
-ini sih 100% menghayal-
024. Punya Onimusha 3 versi Jepang
-pengen denger suara Takeshiiii!!-
025. Punya PS one -ngelirik ke tumpukan cd ps1 dan Front mission 3 tercintaku-
026. Collect all The sims 2 expansion pack
027. Collect all Goldfinger album
028. Collect as many seal doll as I could
029. have my own car, that I bought with my own money
030. Jadi istrinya Takeshi Kaneshiro -ini sih sakit jiwa namanya-
031. Belajar buat nawar barang di ITC wakakakaka
032. Makin harus sering sedekah -tp kalo dah ada duitnya ya huahahaha-
033. Never sell any of my granma jewellry and past it to my own daughter or grandaughter .. and hoping that they also won't sell it in the future
034. Collect all Asmaraman Kho Ping Ho books huahahaha
035. collect as many dictionary from any languages as I could -lalala~-
036. Bikin pameran foto dengan tema "Aib teman2ku" hahaha -langsung ditimpukin para korban foto aib-
037. Punya rumah gaya pedesaan Swiss
038. Punya rumah gaya Indian alias Teepee huahaha.. enak ringkes! Kalo mau nyedot tinggal digulung wakakaka
039. Going to every Disneyland on earth!
040. Die before the end of the world
041. Die peacfully
042. Die before someone I love and care die...
044. Buy those hi-school Korean Drama
045. Seeing someone flatted to the ground
046. Ngelengkapin koleksi Kobo, Kariage + Ninja Boy yg pada ilang²an DAMN!!!!!!
047. Collect all Harry Potter series
048. Could finally understand.. what a 'weak character jaw etc' looks really like, and not only by reading it from Agatha's book
049. Have inner aura that make people scared -halah, mang mau jadi penjahat apa ya wuahahaha-
050. Control my emotion and expression just like people in old times.

Pfftt~ udah... cuma setengahnya... ga tau musti ngisi apa buat yg sisanya... mungkin masih ada sih... tp masih belom kepikiran...

Ambisi gue cuma 50 point, di dominasi sama ngoleksi buku ... ga ada yg ekstrim ... dan malah banyak yang menghayal wakakakaka... long live the laidbackers like me!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Top reasons why ladies today are still SINGLE

Dapet dari Nia... gak gitu masuk akal, tp bisa bikin ketawa ... haha -ketawa kering garing nan gosong-

1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.

5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no

6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money
think we are only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are after our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat
heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.

9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual,
somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.

10. The men who are somewhat handsome,somewhat nice and have some
money and thank God

are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!

11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose
interest in us when we take the initiative.


"Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and
it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they
mature into something you'd like to have dinner with."